Beshoy on his financial risk traineeship at ING

Just two years ago, Beshoy had no clue that his dream job would end up being in the financial sector. During his traineeship, he faced a bunch of personal challenges, gained some real insights into professional life, and grew into a confident Financial Risk Specialist at ING. Now, he wouldn’t trade his career in finance for anything!

Marjolein Jansen
Marjolein Jansen

So, how did it all begin?

Beshoy spent a few years studying in Egypt, where he discovered a love for mathematics. Five years ago, he moved to the Netherlands to chase his dreams further. He started a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and worked as a junior data scientist on the side. That experience got him hooked on the financial sector.

“I realised how excited I got from solving problems in a professional setting,” Beshoy says. “I’d often chat with friends about my career. Through my side job, I developed an interest in finance and knew I had the right skills, but I wasn’t sure how to kick things off. A friend suggested looking into traineeships, and that was exactly what I needed!”

Navigating the working world

“I was scrolling through LinkedIn every day when I came across the traineeship at Solid Professionals,” he recalls. “I sent off my CV right away. What caught my eye was the focus on personal growth and mentoring.” Recruiter Jorn reached out quickly after Beshoy applied. “I quickly received a job offer. The whole process was super organised and fast—just what I was after!”

“Work life is definitely different from being a student. There’s so much to learn, especially when it comes to soft skills. How do you work with people who have different personalities? Some love to brainstorm together, while others prefer to work solo. It takes time to get a feel for that. The training sessions at Solid Professionals were super helpful for this.”

A data adventure

Now, Beshoy is a Financial Risk Specialist at ING in the Trading Risk Management Valuation department. “I thought working at a bank might be a bit boring, but it’s nothing like that! I’m involved in challenging projects and solving complex problems with my team. It actually feels like an adventure!”

His team is a mix of international peers and experienced pros. Beshoy started as the first team member alongside the product owner and now works with four other colleagues in his squad.

A typical week for Beshoy includes one day at the office and four days working from home. “My week is a mix of coding, analysing, reading, and engaging in interesting meetings. But my favourite part is the brainstorming sessions at the office, where we come up with creative solutions together,” he shares.

Someone to lean on

As a young professional in a new work environment, Beshoy had to adapt quickly—not just to the company culture but also to picking up new skills fast. “At first, it was a bit overwhelming,” he admits. “There was so much new stuff to learn, and I wanted to make a good impression in meetings and with my colleagues from the get-go.”

He remembers a time when he was struggling with a tricky task and doubted if he was right for the role. “I was really stuck and didn’t know how to move forward,” he recalls. “During one of our regular meetings, I brought it up with my talent manager, Floris. He listened, gave me great feedback, and suggested breaking the task down into smaller, more manageable steps.”

“Floris created a safe space where I felt comfortable sharing my concerns and challenges,” Beshoy says. “He encouraged me to be open about what was going on and helped me prioritise. It was a real turning point for me because I realised it’s not a weakness to ask for help. In fact, it’s a strength to recognise when you need support. That was a valuable lesson.”

“Now, I feel much more prepared to tackle challenges and work effectively with my colleagues.”

Building confidence on the job

Beshoy is proud of how much he’s grown since he started. “At the bank, we have the banking book and the trading book. The trading book is where a bank keeps track of all the financial assets that can be bought and sold. For me, this was completely new ground. The best part is that I’ve gone from being a total newbie to someone who can confidently explain complex concepts to my colleagues—it’s a great feeling of accomplishment,” he says.

Training and development

“The training sessions during the traineeship were a key part of my growth,” says Beshoy. One of the standout sessions was the MBTI training, where he learned about different personality types and how they can collaborate effectively. “The best thing about this training was that it didn’t label people as good or bad; instead, it celebrated the diversity of personalities,” he explains. “It helped me understand how to work best with different types, which is crucial in a team setting.”

The training gave Beshoy not just theoretical knowledge but also practical skills he could use straight away. “It felt great to learn how to apply new knowledge immediately,” he says. “And going through the training with other young professionals made me feel like I wasn’t alone in my learning journey.”

Every challenge is an opportunity

Are you about to start your first job (or nearly there)? Beshoy has some advice for you: “Don’t be afraid to ask questions when you need to. With Floris’s support, I learned to tackle challenges step by step and not be afraid to ask for help. This has been a huge help in finding my place and growing in my role. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to improve and develop yourself!”

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